April 12: Prof. Eva Schmidt (Dortmund)

The Reasons of AI Systems

March 15: Dr. Julia Mönig (Bonn)

The human behind human-centered AI

March 1: Dr. Sam Bennett (U. Georgia)

The morality of smartphone use.

January 19: Prof. Vincent Müller (Erlangen)

Title: What should AI ethics try to achieve?

November 17: Prof. Tobias Schlicht (Bochum)

Title: What is social interaction?

October 27: Prof. Sebastian Weydner-Volkman (Bochum)

Bewertung von KI-Feedback Systeme in der Lehre

October 20: Dr. Martin Hähnel (Bremen)

Dual-use and artificial intelligence

June 2: Prof. Peter Königs (Dortmund)

No well-being for robots (and hence no robot rights)

May 26: Prof. Janina Loh (Bonn-Rhein-Sieg)

Digitale Transformation im Gesundheitswesen