June 11, 2024

A Helmholtz AI Conference Prologue Workshop

This workshop is a satellite event of the larger Helmholtz AI conference in Düsseldorf which begins the following day, on June 12. Transportation between Düsseldorf and Jülich will be provided.

Call for contributions

The workshop invites proposals for talks to be given in-person on the FZ Jülich campus. Proposals should address any of the many ethical issues that arise from the use of artificial intelligence in a research setting. Topics may include (but are not limited to):

  1. Dual use potential
  2. AI in medical diagnostics
  3. Use of unethical / illegal training data
  4. Use of LLMs in scientific authorship


20 minute talks, plus 10 minutes Q&A, followed by a group discussion.

Submit an abstract

Please send us a 500-word abstract by May 1st to c.rathkopf@fz-juelich.de.